Remembering Hippie Nation (An excerpt from The Backstage Man)
“Never worry about being an outsider. You’re on the inside. Everyone else is lookin’ in.” – The Backstage Man I turned 14 in 1969. That’s...
Two Authors. One Mind.
People often ask us how we wrote The Backstage Man together – how two authors could write a single novel. The amazing thing to me is how...
What Color is Tuesday?
What color is Tuesday? What color is your life? What melody corresponds to that? Art is an interpretation of our experience, of the world...
The Art of Receiving
People often ask me to explain the meaning behind something in the book. But their guess is probably as good as mine. (Inspiration is a...
Inner Adventure
It’s natural for many of us to hunger for adventure. After all, the lives that we plan and structure with the best of intentions can...